Friday, September 12, 2008

a Sign Mint

For this assignment I am supposed to reflect on my essay on learn from it. I kinda did my essay different. I didn't have a real life story line so it was not an actual experience that I personal had, but one I had in my mind while playing a game. I had moments of my actual self playing the game, and doing some other things. I liked the outcome of mine, it was just a non shalont(?), can't even find a word that makes it work, but it was kinda just a moment in life that I wrote about, nothing really excited, but its what I like to do in life. I also wrote it 5 pages long without realizing it was a 2 to 3 page paper. I had to size it down a lot...a lot. It lost a lot of important details about the game story, but it wasn't even about the game, more about the experience. Thats all for now, see you next time blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so that's where all the details went! instead of taking out details, maybe next time, start the story closer to the end (entering the last level, right before the battle) and leaving the details in...