Thursday, September 4, 2008

Essay in ten sentences.

I wake up from the soft voice of a women. She tells me that I'm a test subject, but I don't know what for, or for where and why. I come about a device that creates portals, the ones you walk through and go to another place, those ones. Finding my way through various, increasingly harder puzzles. My every move is being watched, I can shoot the cameras with my portal device, but then she tells me that it will disrupt my training exercises. For hours I've been "playing" but no nothing of what I'm doing. She tells me at the end there is cake, I love cake. In areas with no cameras I've been finding wall writings, past subjects, telling of the experience in here. They tell me I will not live, then I break free, she says there is cake. I find her in here lair, shes a machine, run by people whom I will never know. I defeat the monster and escape the prison. With a long stretch I push away from my desk, there was no knock on the door, no interruptions, it was me enjoying time with a video game.

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