Monday, September 22, 2008

My essay does kinda become a compare and contrast, but if this was about juices their would be an orange and an apple and no others so it gets really hard not to compare my orange to the apple without having it seem like its a compare and contrast. Maybe there is some foreign drink that I don't know about, but from personal experience I have never tasted any other juice.

Going home for the weekend I basically had to think about what I was going to write for, because my computer was left here and my mom doesn't have hers yet, so I couldn't really blog. I got back late so I was busy doing other stuff, writing my paper. I finished what was left of it earlier today when I remember that I had to blog. I decided to go with PCs and why they are better than any other computers with my thesis being...Microsoft’s PC is far superior to any other computer in the world.

My essay does kinda become a compare and contrast, but if this was about juices their would be an orange and an apple and no others so it gets really hard not to compare my orange to the apple without having it seem like its a compare and contrast. Maybe there is some foreign drink that I don't know about, but from personal experience I have never tasted any other juice.

I only saw the comment about the paper not supposed to being a compare and contrast after I had wrote most of mine, but I will try and switch things up in the next draft.

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