Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey Low

The things I know a lot about in life are video games and computers. There are many topics you can do with a video game, which game is better, what console is better... and so on. But with computers there is one that stands out way above the rest, PC vs MAC. Everyone knows about the feud of the companies and all of the ads on TV. I have used a PC my whole life and just started to use Macs here at campus. I find Macs to be a pain, they are supposed to be good for editing programs and stuff but I find not having a right click utterly "pointless." It makes you always having your finger on you keyboard when your other is trying to get a soda and you have to drop it because your mac doesn't let you right click. Besides editing there are two other things to do on a computer, finding information for documents using the world wide web or playing games. The PC outshines the Mac by a whopper load on the games and in my opinion using the internet. But with all of this stuff on PC and Macs I think I would still rather do my Essay on a video game for the xbox 360. That is Halo. Halo is by far one of the funnest game series of all time, no doubt. But with its newest release Halo 3 the game has become a noob colony. It takes five days to get good at the game, you just have to go around looking for a rocket launcher or hope to god you get host or else your screwed. Auto aim, though better than halo 2, is still shalpskie. You just have to let your controller do the work for you and you win. When you get to higher levels though competion gets harder and thats where it gets fun, but all that fun gets replaced with anger when a seven year old tbags you after dying. Which in turn cause yelling and high pitch ringing. Finally when it comes down to actual gameplay, you can never rely on the game, you could snipe a guy dead on in the face and it will count as a miss, then you watch the film of how you die in theatre mode and you see the scrub shooting a bullet off three walls and doesn't even hit you and you still die. Even though I love halo the little things about it piss me off so bad, thats why I stick to Call of Duty 4 nowdays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

watch out for compare-and-contrast... that's our next essay! if you decide to writing about macs, keep PC's out of your thesis.