Sunday, November 23, 2008

So I first thought this was a research paper for some reason, then I on Friday I noticed that it was a persuasive. So after having written a little about my topic on PRACS, I realized that it really wouldn't work out as a persuasive essay. So I had to come up with a new topic with the help of my brother. He said something about being smoke free, MSUM already is, but NDSU is not. So I decided to do a paper on having a tobacco free campus at NDSU.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Going against my thesis about PRAC research I would say that it could be a very dangerous situation. First thing is that you have to spend a lot of time there for screening appointments, the study, additional studies, and check-ups, which can be every morning for awhile. The facilities have hundreds of people there everyday and easy for something to go around and get people sick. And most of the time you go through many blood draws, and with all of the needles going in and out something could really go wrong.

The main point is that is the medication your taking going to hurt you in the long run? I know someone who got headaches and other small problems during and a short time after a PRAC Study, but will he have any long term, and what if you get something that you are alergic to and don't know it. It sounds like a lot of money in a short time, but there are to many risks of doing it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I recently signed up for a PRAC study and that got me thinking. People are always so worried about PRACS and I was wondering is it really worth the money?

In my essay about PRAC study research, I would like to find out the risks of doing PRACS, what they test and how the get results. Who funds the program and is it worth the cash for the risk.

Thesis: Some may argue that a PRAC study is dangerous and risky event that can damage your body and have lasting side effects, but it is a way for people to help out research on beneficial medicine and in a very short period of time earn some cash.

I think that a lot people think it's like donation your body to science, but I think it is more of a way to help out in finicial situations and a way to help medicine research.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I don't know if we are able to pick from any topic we like, or something that obtains to our surrounding area. If it is totally free I would like to do something on the moon landing or 9/11. If we can't and have to do something around our neighborhood to persuade something I would have to think a little first.

Adding a walk way to campus. The ones like UND and Concordia that shelter people through harsh weather. MSUM doesn't have that big of a problem because of its size, but maybe for NDSU.

Why the wellness center being built at MSUM is well worth the money.

Reason why the tobbaco plan is working...