Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hmm... well I really don't know where to begin... When, why, and how I write? I guess I write when I have to, for school mostly. I guess I post a lot on the internet but its not exactly writing. Why? If I don't I won't pass the class now would I, just like I'm doing now. And how? I write randomly but creatively, being an artist I like to write with an abstractness but also with a meaning that sometimes only I can define what it truly means.

Other then basic short stories and essays for school, I spend the other 95% of my writing and reading on the computer. I spend a lot of my free time on forums, mostly about gaming or digital design, so there really isn't a lot of actual writing going on, but it still counts.

I don't like blogging.....

Moving on.

For inspiration I usually think of something that I know a lot about. When I write papers for class I'd rather use personal knowledge then looking stuff up on a subject I have no clue about. I hate(dislike) writers who try to hard to sound like they know what their doing, having no creative control and just following the basics of a good paper, hoping to get an A. I also don't like things that drag on, stuff like math. Time to go.